Sometimes I stop to admire little blooms along my way and other times I pick them and take them home with me! There are times when that tiny bloom isn't yet fully open.
This morning
during a phone conversation I picked a tiny bloom in its infancy, yet even as I
type, it’s beginning to open. As we chat with someone about a complex issue, we
often gain clarity. So too, as I type, clarity often comes. I guess that’s
because I need to examine and sift my thoughts, often exploring unsolved or
uncomfortable questions. It feels a little like teasing out a knot in my
During this
morning’s phone conversation we talked about the messy parts of a relationship
with God. Even as I type that, it sounds a bit wrong, however I think it’s truth.
Any relationship has its messy times, or at least I hope it’s that way for
others because it’s certainly my reality. The messy times challenge us; things are
often confusing, complicated or uncomfortable, sometimes they are downright
painful. These times confront what we currently think and believe. If we let
them, they nudge or push us to a new place in our
thinking. Change is good, it indicates growth.
Just as we
grow and change (although in my stage of my life not all the growing and
changing is desirable!), healthy relationships are ever-changing. Getting to
know the person we’re in relationship with, and understanding them a little
better, can lead to a shift in our thinking and this often helps us see the
person in a new light and even relate to them differently. I can’t see why it
is any different in a relationship with God.
Other relationships
that surround us are a varied mix of great, good, not-so-good, challenging and
even difficult. It’s the process of travelling through these that helps us
learn more about, and better understand each other.
Tough, trying times test a
relationship and can cause it to send its roots deep. I guess that’s what
people mean when they say, “We've been friends through thick and thin.” If we
can work through the tough times, it often cultivates a new dimension in our
So, getting
back to my phone conversation and messy times in our relationship with God - circumstances
that challenge our perception, understanding or belief about God, about what He
is like and how He connects with us.
An interesting
thing happened while I was engrossed in the conversation – an unexpected,
uninvited image popped into my head - perhaps one of the ways God ‘speaks’ to
us? While I was listening to my friend talk about an event which feels messy
for her right now, I ‘saw’ a vivid image of a painter taking daubs of paint and
working them on a canvas. I could actually see the colours sitting, pushed up
against each other. I didn't see a picture, just colours on a canvas – some dark,
some bright. It was only as I teased out the thought, that I realised it
literally was a perfect picture of what happens in our life.
Up close a
canvas can seem merely a composite of colours and shades but from a more
distant perspective a picture emerges. Sometimes further down the road, we get
an inkling of the purpose of past life events, we sense they have been instrumental
in directing or equipping us for later roles and tasks. However, there are
times when we never get to see the reason for the messy aspects of our journey.
It’s those times I've been thinking about today.
A very
strange contradiction emerged in my thinking; that there are times when messy
circumstances actually give us clarity in our relationship with God. They shift
our perceptions of Him.
I remembered
a time last year when life seemed very messy. The joyful anticipation of our
first grandchild’s arrival, with all the associated excitement, was thrown into
confusion when tests supported the very real possibility that the little one
would be born with severe chromosomal abnormalities.
The five
week journey I travelled in my relationship with God, before we received news
to the contrary, taught me a lot about who He is and the way He cares and
communicates with us, especially in difficult times.
The journey shifted
my perception of God, it gave clarity and helped me understand more about Him,
and that changed me. I relate differently to Him now because I know Him better.
We travelled a difficult road together. During that messy time, I sensed in an
almost tangible way, His love and care for me and for our family.
This leads
me to believe the messy times have a purpose. Even if we never find out what
that purpose is, we need not waste them. If we let them challenge us and move
us, we can discover something new and perhaps even exciting in our relationship
with God. I bet He loves it when we make that discovery!