Saturday, 8 February 2014

Welcome to my blog!

Recently, bending to pick something up from the ground almost beneath my feet, I noticed a single flower among a stretch of dull paving bricks. It was evident a seed had taken root in a narrow, unswept crevice of an everyday pathway.

There was nothing very special about the flower but what took my attention was that the little portulaca’s face beamed up at me from a bed of hot paving bricks! A most unexpected place for any plant to make a home! I stopped and looked in wonder at the tiny plant that splashed brilliant colour on the dry, grey paving bricks.

I doubt the tiny seed had much choice about where it landed. Probably blown there by the wind, it found itself in a difficult situation. I wonder if there’s not a valuable lesson to be learned from that brave little portulaca.

When we’re planted in a rich, well-watered ‘garden bed’, supported by nearby blooms, it’s easy to “flower’, to smile and brighten the lives of those around us. However it takes courage, strength and resilience to do this in the dry, trying situations of life. Our natural tendency in difficult times is to concentrate on ourselves in an attempt to survive, and to busy ourselves devising ways to ride out our troubles.

That’s not what the brave little portulaca did. It lifted its little face heavenward to soak up the sun’s life-giving rays. That single act resulted in three things: even among those hot pavers it received what it needed to sustain life, I stopped to marvel at it and it was doing what it was designed to do.

I wondered if the Great Designer had this in mind when He fashioned this tiny portulaca. What I do know, is that I noticed it purely because its bloom reached out of a hard, dry place. It brought colour and vibrancy to a canopy of grey and taught me a little life lesson.

It’s good to be on the lookout so we don’t miss these little lessons that come our way, on an everyday kind of day.

...a little extra note

Portulacas are small, hardy succulents with brilliantly coloured flowers, as you can see in this little snap from my garden. 
In a way, these bright blooms gave me the inspiration needed to set me on my way with this blog.  


  1. Love this! What a wonderful blog... I can't wait to follow all your instalments!
    (You're so tech savvy!!)
    :) Love from one proud daughter xx

  2. You have such a wealth of experience to bring to your story telling..I'll be listening!

  3. Congratulations! I've already learnt something i didn't know what portalucas were. They sound like something i could grow. Great story too about how important perspective is! Thanks.

  4. Anyone can grow a portulaca, and once you put them in your garden, you'll always have them. They seed themselves...everywhere! :) I have to pull new little plants from all over the place - a lovely problem to have. :)

  5. Congratulations on finally going public with your musings ;-)
    Your journal writings are truly inspirational and will shine a little light into the lives of those fortunate enough to read them.

    1. So it turns out, Wend, you have inspired more than one... :) Thank you!
