Friday, 7 March 2014

Early this afternoon I had an unnerving experience. Feeling a little off colour, I decided to have a short nap, hoping it would set me right before tackling my afternoon chores. Sitting on the edge of the bed, a feather-like sensation brushed my arm. Looking down, expecting to see a hair or thread, I could see nothing. Moving my arm again triggered the same sensation and I decided I must have intercepted a spider’s web.

I should probably tell you, spiders and I just don’t get on! I’ve never met a spider I wanted to get to know! I think I’m a fairly kind person but when I meet a spider I like to be dressed for the occasion. My dress should include a pair of shoes, either of which can be quickly and easily removed. Thongs are just perfect. I can whip one off, smack…no more spider! The only kind of spider I’m comfortable with is a DEAD spider!

So, back to my story…

Standing back from the bed I looked up. There, parked on the very white ceiling was a very black spider!! Oh my goodness, I especially hate these ones! They look so evil!

Being unable to reach the nasty little piece of work, I decided my best friend was a can of insect spray. Coming back into the bedroom armed with my new best friend, I reached across to aim the nozzle at the ceiling. However as I did, I must have disturbed the single web thread that first alerted me to the black menace above.

Before even a single burst of the deadly spray left the can, like a dead weight released from a great height, the spider dropped to the bed! A spider on the ceiling is one thing, but a spider on a bed…that’s just wrong!

I had a new dilemma…I didn't want to use insect spray on the bed linen but my loose-fitting footwear, although usually perfect for the task, wasn't quite right on this occasion. Looking at the white sheet, I decided it had to be a clean death.

After several attempts to eliminate the nasty little black menace, he retreated to the dark recesses between the bed and the wall, where he eventually met his demise.

It took several minutes to collect myself, and when I did, I had the chance to consider what might have happened had I not been alerted to the spider’s presence right above me. I calculated its landing place, had I been lying on the bed, would probably have been my neck.

After a little research into the consequences of such an encounter, I decided it was a very good thing I had not been laying on the bed. Although not generally aggressive, his painful bite could have lead to some nasty reactions including swelling, vomiting, breathing problems, nausea and giddiness.

As often happens when we experience a shock, albeit something as insignificant as my unpleasant encounter, we are prompted to think a little more deeply. This was my experience and I found myself wondering how often we avoid danger, how often we are diverted within seconds of disaster, but are totally unaware.

For some reason my pondering made a detour and I began thinking about the role parents play with their small children. When my girls were young I was constantly on the lookout for potential dangers - like pot handles sticking out from stove tops. On many occasions I removed my little ones from the threat of harm.

I got to wondering if that is exactly what happened to me this afternoon. Did my Heavenly Father alert me to the presence of the spider above me? With what I know of God, I am very comfortable with this notion.

I was made aware of today's black bedroom intruder but I wondered how often God does this very same thing and I am unaware. I am protected and totally oblivious; therefore there is no opportunity for gratitude. However, today’s little encounter offered plenty of opportunity for gratitude. I was very thankful for the warning and thankful for the reminder that my Heavenly Father is always watching over me…even when I encounter fury, black house spiders!

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