Monday, 10 March 2014

This morning I stumbled across something I wrote many years ago. It was written during those bumpy years of having teenage daughters in the house. I smiled as I read it, trying to remember what daily life was like all those years ago. I know it was a whole lot busier and noisier, but it was also fun and even exciting.

I didn’t write anything that resembled a blog back then, but I’m thankful that in many stages of my life I’ve tried to record what everyday life was like at the time.

As I reread my long-forgotten musings this morning, I was again reminded of a little piece of wisdom which I thought worth sharing.

When our first daughter was a very tiny baby, and I was a very new mum, someone said something that has remained with me ever since. I clearly remember the sweet, old lady and even where we stood as she shared her wisdom with me. Back then I don’t think I remembered it because it was one of those, “I-must-remember-this-because-it’s-important” kind of incidents. I think it was possibly because it fitted more into the, “What-a-whacky-thing-to-say-to-a-brand-new-mum” category. Whatever the reason, I remember exactly what she said. “Treasure every moment because before you know it, she’ll be walking down an aisle!”

It’s a little over thirty years ago that I was given that valuable piece of advice and today I was reminded again, the wealth of wisdom in those few words. We can get so accustomed to our familiar routines and the familiar faces that surround us, that they often slip away without us capturing their essence. It seems a tendency of the mind to only snatch and store memories that stand out, that are in some way different.

Two of my daughters have already walked down the aisle, tomorrow I’m babysitting my darling little grandson, and soon we will welcome another little one to our family. I’ve entered a new stage in my life. It doesn’t seem long ago that little ones were crawling around my legs and filling my days with busy activity!

So that dear, sweet old lady was right. Slowly familiar, everyday routines evolve and change, propelling us into another stage in our lives. My mother will be ninety two this year and I am keenly aware I may soon enter yet another stage. Amid everyday busyness, I need to be reminded to take time to spend with those I love and to tell them of my love, to take photos, to make and capture treasured memories for some time in the future when I will want to pull them out and savour their sweet perfume!

                                            One of the perks of this new stage in my life!

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